Commercial Laundry Business Opportunity
LL#58FN is seeking interest from individuals for an opportunity to own and operate a commercial
laundry business in connection with the Temporary Work Camp associated with the proposed GGM Hard
Rock project. This is a business opportunity for an experienced business operator or an individual who is
entreprenurial minded.
The Opportunity:
Generally, the opportunity would be a business that would: pick up items to be laundered, processing of
laundering (including washing, drying, folding, packaging, tracking / inventory of items), return
laundered items to the Temporary work camp and managing the requisite administrative and
accounting matters. Items to be laundered on a weekly basis would include:
- Pillow cases
- Flat sheets
- Fitted sheets
- Blankets
- Matress covers
- Bath towels
- Bath mats
The commercial laundry equipment and facilities would be provided by the operator of the Temporary
work camp along with some training and orientation on equipment usage. The operator of the
commercial laundry business would need to supply the transportation (truck/trailer/Sea-Can or Cargo
truck, etc.) to transport laundry to and from the Temporary work camp location.
Some limited assistance with business planning and implementation will be available.
The Candidate:
Ideally, you have previous and/or existing business ownership and operating experience. You are a
highly motivated self-starter with an entreprenurial passion and a desire for success.
If you are looking to take on a new business opportunity or are entrepreneurial and this opportunity is
of interest to you, please forward your resume outlining your business experience or your
entreprenurial aspirations via email by October 5, 2020 to:
Mr. John O'Nabigon Sr.
Mr. Cecil Cheveldave
Please note that this opportunity is for LL#58FN members only. This is not a job posting, nor is it an
employment opportunity.